March Prompt – Pirates and Swashbucklers

Top of the month to all the Cinema Shamers out there in the interwebs. A new month brings us a new prompt. We decided to focus on a specific genre which will be swashbucklers and pirates. Why this prompt for the month of March? Because a pirate’s favorite month is Maaarrrggch.


I added some space from the last sentence to let you  catch your breath after all the laughter. The swashbuckler/pirate genre is a blind spot in my film viewing history. I’ve seen the first “Pirates of the Caribbean” film, “Hook”, “Waterworld”, that Kevin Costner Robin Hood movie and maybe a few others but the previously mentioned are the only ones that come to mind. There is a large number of these films out there I have never even seen and I’m sure I’m overlooking films that fall into this genre. I have one specific film I want to tackle and then a specific actor. For March, I plan to watch “Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World” and something starring Errol Flynn. I remember receiving a DVD copy of “Master and Commander” as a member of Columbia House back in the day and I never watched it, even after paying $19.95. Sadly, I still have that issue of purchasing movies and never watching them. As for Errol Flynn, this guy is an icon for swashbucklers, it’s a name synonymous with swashbuckler . I plan to rectify these shames during the month of Maaarrrggch.

Feel free to join us and update us on your cinematic watches this month. You can tweet us @Cinemashame or email us at If you do a post on your own blog for this month’s prompt let us so we can announce it from the rooftops. 

It will be up to @007hertzrumble if stating Maaarrrggch in your shame statement is a requirement. 

We look forward to hearing about everybody’s picks and responses.

Use one of the following banners in your post and link back to Cinema Shame to spread the good word, matey.


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