Calling All 2019 Cinema Shame Statements

A new year is upon us, which means another year of knocking off those unwatched films that might bring out a little bit of shame. It doesn’t matter where they come from, it could be a movie gathering dust on an unsteady ‘to-watch’ pile, or a film you’ve heard mentioned on multiple podcasts, or a film you just haven’t found the time to watch it.

This month we request contributors to proclaim the films they plan to take on in 2019. Create your list, post it and we will share it (shame it but in a loving manner). Feel free to add some background details for your picks, such as why you are picking it or the reason you haven’t had to chance to view this film.

I will be stating my shame this weekend, building my list from books (Danny Peary’s multiple books), podcasts (Cinema Shame’s episode on Hammer Horror and Pure Cinema Podcast’s recent episode on Martin Scorcese’s filmography), and some statistical data (letterboxd).

If you need ideas, you can check out the Shame Statements from previous years.

As the months roll around we will provide a specific prompt which may focus on an unwatched film from a specific genre, a favorite director or a favorite actor or actress. We still want you to discuss the films from your shame statements these prompts are meant to increase discussion of films and hopefully help everybody uncover some hidden gems.

Contact us by email or tweet at us @Cinemashame.

One thought on “Calling All 2019 Cinema Shame Statements

  1. Pingback: Shamedown #1: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider – Taking Up Room

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