January Prompt: 2018 Shame Statements

2018 thought it could sneak up on us. Not so, you fargin’ icehole. This post may or may not have been written by Roman Moronie. And if you don’t know Roman Moronie maybe you should add Johnny Dangerously to your 2018 Shame Statement.


It’s time again to consider your Shame! for 2018. Take a moment to review the new Cinema Shame modus operandi. Post/blog/share your Shame Statement before the end of January to be featured in the Cinema Shame monthly roundup. If you need some space to broadcast your plans for 2018, the Shame page is always open for your writing.

When you scratch off one of your Shames, post it wherever you like, share your link with Cinema Shame (via Twitter or email to cinemashame@gmail.com) and we’ll broadcast it to the moon… or at least Sweden so poor Roman Moronie can get a taste.

If you’re new to Cinema Shame and you’d like a sample from past years, here’s @007hertzrumble’s 2017 Shame Statement.

Create your list however you want. Consider friend recommendations, classics you’ve always meant to watch, AFI/BFI/IMDB lists, whatever movie guilt hangs on your conscience — take this opportunity to place your gameplan for 2018 on the Interwebs for all to see. Once it’s out there, you’re obligated to follow through.

For those Penitent Moviewatchers returning for 2018, welcome back. For anyone who has never participated in Cinema Shame, it’s good to have you aboard the Shame train. Embrace your penitence and kneel before the cinema greatness you’ve yet to discover.
